
A Faithful Man

Every year it seems, as I hear the Christmas story and ponder it in my heart, a new character in it is an avenue for God to speak to my heart more than another in the year before. When I was pregnant with my first child, I deeply felt Mary's point of view. In years past, the wise men and the shepherds have been the characters that spoke to my heart. This year though, this year , the faithfulness of Joseph is being used to mold and refine my thankfulness for the man in my life- for the other men I see walking with God day-in and day-out and what a complete treasure it is to have a man, a faithful man, by your side in this life. A man not only faithful in the worldly view of what that means, but faithful to God first and foremost. I'll be the first to admit I have under-appreciated the man that is my husband. It hurts me to say that, but I also know it's human to say that, and I think in most marriages, there are seasons and times that we don't fully appreciate the mat

It's Time...

Tonight, I laid in my hotel room snuggled up with the oldest two of my children and their Daddy. The youngest two were beyond out for the night, and so it was just the glow of the hotel television and us. We don't usually let our children stay up late. I'm one of those moms that is a stickler for a bedtime routine- not always sure if it's because it makes their lives easier or mine the next day. :-) I'd call it a mix, if I'm honest. Tonight, though, we were waiting for 20/20 to come on. Yes, if you know our family, my oldest two are 9 and 6, so why 20/20? At the beginning of third grade, our daughter read the book "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio. She immediately fell in love with it, and a year and a half later, I cannot tell you how many times she has read it fully. The movie version of this book came out tonight, and on 20/20 there was a story entitled "Wonder Boy" about a family who had a son born with craniofacial differences...much like the main